速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Animated Black Spider Sticker

Animated Black Spider Sticker


檔案大小:8.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Animated Black Spider Sticker(圖1)-速報App

Tired of sending boring text messages? Make your chats amusing with Animated Black Spider Sticker. The sticker for people who like insects. It might be a tarantula or wolf spider.


* Buy once, FOREVER fun: You’ll have all you need, NO additional pay, NO in-app purchase!

* Easy to use! Tap the sticker you want, DRAG & DROP the sticker into your message

Animated Black Spider Sticker(圖2)-速報App

* All images have been optimized for Retina display and to perfectly fit into your SMS bubbles.


● TAP a sticker to add it to your message thread.

● PEEL & PLACE stickers on top of message.

● LAYER stickers over each other in conversations in iMessage.

● SCALE & ROTATE stickers by using a second finger before you place it on the bubble.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad